Claims Assistance
Ditto offers end-to-end Claim Support and our executives will help you in dealing with the insurance company. You can call our claims manager any time you have to make a claim. They’re available 24x7.
How to make a claim if you have a health insurance policy?
Emergency hospitalisation
- In the case of emergency hospitalization, simply visit the hospital desk and produce your policy number, including the name of the insurer.
- If it’s a network hospital, the hospital desk will process your information and intimate the insurance company on your behalf. They’ll fill out the pre-authorization request form with your consent and try to get the cashless claim approved.
- However, if there are any issues or delays in the process, please reach out to our claims manager at 080-48816818080-48816818 and they’ll help you anyway.
- If you are going to a non-network hospital, you have to intimate the insurer about your hospitalisation and seek reimbursement after discharge. If you can’t reach out to the insurer yourself, you can intimate us at or 080-48816818080-48816818 and we will inform them on your behalf. Our claims manager will also help with the reimbursement process.
Planned hospitalisation
- In the case of planned treatment, you have to intimate the insurer three days before admission. You can visit a network hospital, provide your policy details and ask them to intimate the insurance company on your behalf.
- But if you can do it sooner, you should probably consider doing that as insurance companies may take a while to investigate the veracity of your request.
- In most cases, the insurer will revert within 24 hours of claim intimation. In case of any delays, please reach out to our claims manager on 080-48816818080-48816818 and we will expedite the approval.
- If you don’t find a network hospital of your liking, then you may have to file for reimbursement — wherein you pay the full cost of treatment and ask the insurer to reimburse you afterwards.
- If you are going to a non-network hospital, you have to intimate the insurer about your hospitalisation and seek reimbursement after discharge. If you can’t reach out to the insurer yourself, you can intimate us at or 080-48816818080-48816818 and we will inform them on your behalf. Our claims manager will also help with the reimbursement process.
How to file for claim reimbursement?
- You have to intimate the insurer within 24 hours of your hospitalisation. You can do so yourself or you can simply inform us by sending out an email to and we will take it up with the insurer.
- Once you’re discharged from the hospital, please call our claims manager on 080-48816818 and we’ll help you with the form filling and reimbursement process. However, if you intend on doing this yourself, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you.
How to make a health-related claim on a reimbursement basis yourself?
- To file a claim, you will need to download the claim form from the insurer’s website. Some insurers will also have an online portal for submission.
- The claim form is divided into two parts — Part A & Part B. You’ll have to fill out Part A and the hospital personnel will fill out part B. They’ll also have to sign and seal the document.
- In the meantime, you have to collect and collate all the investigation and medical reports associated with your prognosis.
- And finally, you will have to mail the original reports to the insurance company and wait for them to process your claim.
- If you need any help during the process, you can reach out to our claims manager at or 080-48816818080-48816818

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